Cobblestone Street Reconstruction

DiDonato was the prime consultant for the design of historic Commercial, Lloyd, Perry, Hanover, and Prime Streets within the Erie Canal Harbor Development.  Design elements include utilizing materials that interpret the historic nature of the site, which includes cobblestones, granite curbs, and concrete base for the roads, crosswalks, and sidewalks.  Additional elements include storm sewers, watermains, lighting, signalization, and light rail rapid transit track crossing.

During this project, DiDonato resolved R.O.W. issues with NYSDOT as well as consolidated the three vertical datums (Great Lakes, USGS, and City of Buffalo) that Inner Harbor project was utilizing.  We are coordinating the design and phasing with the Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation, the NFTA and the City of Buffalo.  Design of the streets is an integral part of the Inner Harbor project.

The project was completed in phases:

Phase 1 – Commercial Street
Project entailed the reconstruction of 300 lf of Commercial Street within its historic right-of-way.  The project included a curbed cobblestone street with a concrete road base, street lighting, and sandstone paver sidewalks.

Phase 2 – Lloyd Street, Perry Street, Hanover Street and Prime Street
Project entailed the reconstruction of 1,900 ft. lf of historic streets in the City of Buffalo, within the Erie Canal Harbor Project.  The project included streets with curbed section, exposed aggregate sidewalks, street lighting and closed storm system.  Project also included the installation of a new eight (8″) water line.

DiDonato also provided construction monitoring services for both phases of  this project.

Project Profile

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