700 Block
As part of the Main Street Revitalization-Cars Sharing Main Street project, the City of Buffalo, Department of Public Works proposes to open one-way streets to two-way traffic from Scott Street to Goodell Street, in order to provide improved access within the downtown area and to bring in traffic to the inaccessible business areas in downtown Buffalo, in particular, the 700 Block of Main Street.
In 2008, the City of Buffalo advanced the preliminary studies for the rehabilitation of the 700 Block of Main Street between Tupper Street and Goodell Street. A key component to improving access to the properties along the block is the conversion of traffic from one-way to two-way. In addition, integral to improving the circulation on Main Street is converting Tupper Street from one-way to two-way traffic within the immediate area, which would include Tupper Street section from Pearl Street to Ellicott Street. The design includes one 10-foot median lane, two 11-foot travel lanes, two 5-foot bike lanes, and two 8-foot parking lanes, a 4-foot snow storage and removal zone, a 6’ planting and landscaped zone and 10’-6” sidewalks. The median lane will include a dedicated left turn lane at each intersection, a curbed, landscaped median preceding the turn lanes to promote traffic calming and enhance the aesthetics and a flush concrete median to allow for driveway access.
Additional streetscape improvements include enhanced crosswalks, trees, street furniture, and traffic signal modifications.
The cost for the project was funded with STP-Urban and TEP funds. The project was completed in spring of 2009.